Dear friends, music lovers and passersby!
It is 2025, and it looks like we live in the historical times – which says – not easy. In such
epoch, reflection is needed as much as observation, and for some the voluntary
internal exile is the way of coping. Which is why during my personal break time from the
noisy circus of live shows and bombastic presentations, Transport Aerian decided to
make a re-issue of its most introspective, intimate concept piece – which also turns 10
this year – Darkblue.
Transport Aerian would not have been what it is known for if we haven’t decided to give it
an experimental twist: and so, we decided to give it the one it seems to have always
needed. Back when it was originally released, I felt the story-driven immersive musical
landscape we – by pure accident – created with Rachel Bauer could be expanded into
many non-musical directions, such as literature or graphic art.
So, for the re-release we
decided to team up with the young graphic artist Fiobos, whose artistry in portraiture
and human form struck me the first time I saw him back in 2019. Just providing the
graphic art for the album would have been a terribly trivial and boring idea so we
decided to go for an artistic and psychological experiment: Fiobos will be drawing what
he feels on basis of music and lyrics analysis in real time while listening to the pieces
for the first time – only having been acquainted to the lyrical content but not music. He
will have only the song duration time to finalize the first impression drawing and we will
film the process.
Subsequently, after each song is “visualized” that way, he will proceed
for more variations of impressions, thus creating the depiction of spontaneous
emotions with his art – based on Darkblue story and music. We are aiming to release
one such video per month, starting from the album release – oh and the way, it is set to
20th of March 2025 and will come out on Melodic Revolution Records.
Will there be live performances of this sort? Perhaps. And if so, Fiobos will be a part of
But we will see what future brings.