What happens when an artist only has a song duration to finish his art, and even more so, has to depict his emotions based on lyrics and music perception upon hearing the piece for the first time ever?
This is what we are going to find out as we are embarking on this experiment together! Please welcome, the first impression drawing based on the first song of the coming album Darkblue by Fiobos Gkoubras!



“I had an initial discussion with Hamlet about what this song meant to him, and about the lyrics. We decided that the first portrait would be an abbreviation of the song’s lyrics. Based on that I created some a number of sketches trying to form a concept of this portrait, and we did decide that the duration of the drawing should be as long as the duration of the song.
Hearing the song for the first time really influenced my initial idea, It carried so much energy which I tried to display on the drawing. After this experience I realised that having a “plan” sort of limits the possibilities of the design, although I can make many mistakes, the possibilities are also increasing. Drawing in such a limited time, charcoal comes in handy. It’s a tool with which you can create results quickly. This is also a learning process for me, understanding what woks and what



Musical and rhythmical Portraits design.

For this part I had decided I would create portraits using the influence of sound and rhythm. There were no pre-sketches for this. I just started drawing while trying to “float” on the music. There were many things to consider, many attempts. I had to design while trying to keep a sense of rhythm and intensity while keeping in mind the limited time and “The Big Picture”. We picked four portraits out of this procedure, in which the result were satisfying(it does not always work well).
With repetition I found a process of working through the rhythm, trying to adjust my speed, and put more motion in specific moments of the song, especially during the end. That part usually decided the value of the drawing, since I would put a lot of emotion there. I also pick notice on the voice and different sounds and tried to adjust my movement for that as well. But it is difficult to keep truck of so many things, and mistakes happen. Trying to stay on top of time, drawing result and musical variations of the song can be demanding, especially in the initial process.”